
Laughter "- What a happy and pleasant words. Gatherings, laughter is the most beautiful song; life, laughter is the language of the happiest ------
Some do not have to play the fun and laughter, some because of the success of the laugh, some do not have encountered news and laugh, some do not have to help the others laughed, some should be to win the appreciation and laughter ------
I have also sweet smile are as follows: One day, I was walking in the street suddenly picked up by 10 yuan, I looked back, the owner then? Even individuals are not affected, so I went forward, just arrived in bookstores at the door and saw a girl at the door anxious to move back and forth. I have to go to ask: "girl, how do you it? How ah do not go in!" Kind words to make the girl anxiously : "I took the money to buy a dictionary 10, when can I put money lost. " will finish up the cry. I immediately said: "The sister has just found a 10 yuan to buy a dictionary you alright?" She stopped crying, I took the money with her 10 yuan to buy a dictionary. In the bookstore at the door, she said to me: "You are a good sister." Having a good-bye to me Road. I was sweet and like to eat sweets. My face has become one of the flowers in full bloom, it is proud.
Laughter is good, is pure, it is moving, is sweet, laughter is the soul of each person's performance better. So I like to laugh! 笑”——多么开心,愉快的字眼。聚会上,笑声是最优美的曲子;生活中,笑声是最开心的语言------   有的是因为玩的开心而笑,有的是因为获得成功而笑,有的是因为遇到喜事而笑,有的是因为帮助了别人而笑,有的是应为赢得赞赏而笑------   我曾经也有甜甜的一笑,是因为:一天,我正走在马路上,忽然低头一看,捡到了10元钱,我回头看了看,失主呢?连个人影都没有,于是我接着往前走,刚到书店门口,看见一位小妹妹在门口焦急的来回走动。我走上去问道:“小妹妹,你怎么了?怎么不进去啊!”亲切的话语使焦急的小妹妹开了口:“我拿了10元钱来买字典,可来时,我把钱弄丢了。”说完便呜呜的哭起来。我马上说:“姐姐刚捡了10元钱,给你买字典好吗?”她止住了哭声,我便拿着10元钱陪她买了本字典。在书店门口,她对我说:“你是个好姐姐。”说完向我道了再见。我心里甜滋滋的,向吃了蜜饯一样。我的脸变成了一朵怒放的花儿,很是自豪。   笑声是善良的,是纯洁的,是动人的,是甜美的,笑声是每个人美好心灵的表现。所以我喜欢笑!

