
The evening, you set foot in quiet rest, enjoy the beautiful scenery . Spring transmission of elegant fragrance, the fiery red sunset Yinghong your face. New long evening wind willow, willow breeze gurgling brooks, Ana Sophie varying wind raised golden branches, rippling water Jinbo unpredictable. Happy ducks freely on to the shore to hosts.

  your static view of the sky on Willow, hope heaven. Jin Bo, as ripple down endless, Xiaoxiao flow east. Maundy river clean, so fresh, cool off. to listen to a stream of melody refreshing. You are quietly enjoying the peace, reveling in spring. Depression suddenly see the light of the state of mind, thoracic opening, singing aloud, to make switchgrass shoot streams accompaniment sad echo deeply entrenched problems.

  you entered the field with Ah Hing Chi, walking along the humid, humming a small sing, saw sunset glow fog of messenger rode slowly and to a thin fin. Mist from the banks of rivers fields, bushes slowly up the pond, the farmer\'s roof confuse smoke Madadayo dancing. Toyama forests, farm structures, field deeply shrouded illusory. Evening wind hit, sweeping all over the field soso sough to sneak into people\'s homes.

  night falls, do you recall along the moist, only two rows of the depth of different footprints. Journey in life, more than 10,000 days in silence . Often \"do not always satisfactory, unsatisfactory things up to 89.\" You can not bear to recall the past, I am afraid that the past caused heart-rending, tear. You dare not look into the distance ahead, because life seems boundless Sea, there is no trace.

  Life is like mountain climbing, there is no adequate power of courage, how to board the peak, enjoy the \"Who Road precipitous peaks letter through the ages, looking back at the mud only a pill,\" the grand momentum; why make unlimited panoramic scenery? Insight \"will be in excellent shape when the provisional, list of small hills,\" the extraordinary spirit; how to appreciate different Chuan Qi, understanding, \"Wang Ling as side peaks far different level of\" the realm of spirit; How to sentiment, \"Hill song more You, more than Lin Jing \"metaphysics of nature it? How can our nation\'s Expo truly magnificent history of this business? How can the success of the joy of it?

  nature to inspire your life easy, the difficult years ahead to stay, embrace the defects it! Do not let the haze over the soul; stop for fragrant flowers and stop intoxicated; the rugged road to stop and recover, the courage to move forward, the road will lead you to another heart of the wonderful realm of desire. 黄昏,你涉足静悄悄的石堤小憩,欣赏暖春的旖旎风光。春风播送着淡雅的清香,火红的晚霞映红了你的脸庞。晚风轻吻新长柳叶,柳枝轻拂潺潺溪水,阿娜多姿的柔枝随风扬起金光,水面金波荡漾变幻莫测。鸭子逍遥自在地往岸边靠,忽悠忽悠地往主人家摇啊摇。






