
The world's 10,000 pairs of 1000 pairs of eyes, the most memorable is that the teacher's attention ... ..." Every time I sing softly the song, the hearts will be filled with unspeakable shame.

That incident happened in the second grade when, in the language class, while teachers pay no attention, I and the front of the rough boys. Me and the boys are usually a good student teacher's eyes, and now I can not remember why, when trouble in class, boys only remember that angry look very interesting, I geogas he deliberately nonchalant. At this point, the unexpected happened. He stood up and said: "Shi teachers to make and I also play my bench." me try to say "I did not ... ... no." The teacher said nothing, only gave me a serious eyes. This vision is the punishment for me. As usual teacher is like me, the impression I have always expressed her satisfaction with the expression.

I am very sorry and ashamed, I have been a teacher does not have the courage to admit their mistakes.

This matter over the past four years, perhaps as early as the teachers have forgotten the matter, but I forget, forget the teacher's attention.

The eyes of teachers inspire me to grow.


那件事发生在二年级的时候,在语文课上,趁老师不注意,我和前排的男生打闹。我和那个男生平时都是老师眼里的好学生,现在我已想不起来为什么会在上课的时候闹,只记得那个男生生气的样子很有趣,我故意满不在乎地气他。就在这时,意想不到的事情发生了。他站起来说道:“施老师,梅宇和我闹,还踢我板凳。” 我一下傻了眼,本能地说“我没……没有。”老师什么都没说,只递给了我个严肃的目光。这目光对我来讲就是惩罚。老师平时是那样喜欢我,印象中她对我总是流露出满意的神情。  




