
I am not a poet, the poem can not be beautiful to eulogize my career;
I am not a scholar, can not be used to explain the idea of profound value of I;
I am not a singer, can not be pleasant to listen to the voice singing my posts.
\"Deep platform,\" the achievements of my life simple and plain, ordinary village as a teacher, as growth in the barren hills, like flowers unknown. I do not have great masters in literature Haofang their life, there is no scenery pop stars are born, not the rich who Xiangui life. Perhaps, I have only simple and poor life. Live secluded Ling, is expected to continue to the steep cliff, and follow not the rugged mountain ravine over a never-ending aspect. Here barren hills and untamed rivers, desolate poor, once discouraged many city people. However, the barren land in the call of the mountains in the hearts of the children call barren, where more knowledge, more desire for civilization here.
Perhaps you will ask me: \"Why do teachers have to choose when the mountain?\" You are not afraid of a joke, a little childhood game (when the teacher) has led to my original dream. Did not expect, I really have to stand on the podium three feet. Primary school, the teacher said I heard a true story: there is a mountain village teachers, contains more than hard work, one day suddenly fell on the podium three feet, one time, cries of the classroom dynamic days ... ... memorial service, the steady stream of people came to see him off, there are students, some of my colleagues, there are simple mountain people.
Long days of grief, mountains whimper, then how tragic the situation, how touching ah! The story linger in my heart a lot of good for many years, refuses to go away. In the village, I witnessed the poor and backward village, but also personal taste of the ups and downs of the mountain and poor teachers. Looking at young people have quit, or to the city, I have been hesitant, has been around, but the thought of more teachers in the mountains of the dedication and selfless dedication, countless mountain people thought of the ardent expectations of the mountains she thought that both full of expectation and desire of the eyes, I had to choose his own firm, not just to participate in the difficult and the cause of poor education in the mountains. Around us, with many mountains and stars such as a model for educators, they have their own interpretation of the plain of life moving mountains Huazhang education: A stick to the poor, rooted deep in the mountains contained 37 outstanding teachers in rural areas of Chongqing Municipality TAN Yi-tree; there is love Kong dedicated and selfless dedication to outstanding teachers in Chongqing Tan Shu-Yau; have worked hard to teach to the ill-fu teacher response; are hard, and even the mountains of success to the outstanding principal and so on and so on Branch-bin, and so on. Dedication of the figure can be seen everywhere in the mountains, the school can be more touching stories of the dedication is unknown.
A block golden medals, a gold only to fly out of Phoenix, the mountains year after year the quality of education to take off, gather all of our mountain of hard work and efforts of teachers. Does anyone remember that in order to the great cause, we traveled the mountains of teachers a four-Hill Five Ridges, much of the effort will simply drop out of school a child in tears back to the campus. Education quiet mountain always perform a scene of extraordinary and moving story - Have you not seen that the number of rural teachers combination of two terms, frequent shuttle between the school at home, school and busy busy at home, at noon on a few root vegetables, a bowl of left-to kill the; Have you not seen that the number of school teachers in bad health, very few leave; Have you not seen that the number of teachers in hard work, dedication curriculum reform. The classroom is not the city bright and spacious, but there is no modern teaching equipment.
\" 1, thus leave it penniless afterwards silver tongue, four eyes\" has become a simple portrayal of teachers in mountainous areas, but we are still no regrets. Listen to poetry as a child of the mountains and the sound of the book, we delight; saw a little child\'s progress in the mountains, we are pleased. Some people say: choose the education, on the choice of the dedication; choose the teachers, on the choice of the poor. This is good, but if we are poor and difficult to give up this cause, who is going to the land planting civilization? To the poor who hope to sow the mountain? Buddha - I entering hell, no one to hell? We are not the elite of the times, but we can be proud of the mountains can be! To Village of hope for our children tomorrow, I would like to stick to my poor, the \"Teacher\'s Dream\", no regrets! Rather grand, but for a clear conscience; not reported for trickle-down phase, but no regrets for youth! Perhaps 10 years, 20 years later, the mountains will fly five children to the world state, a married, it is not the greatest teachers of our village proud of it? Are still capable of this, we will be worthy Yang in days, down in the manner worthy of the title!
\"Sweet as silking do, according to The Candle of Mankind would like,\" I vowed Xingtan offer youth, Gan sprinkling blood feeding Xinmiao!
Teachers, let us join hands to draw a better tomorrow mountain education!
长天悲恸,群山呜咽,那场面何等悲壮,何等感人啊!这故事萦绕在我心头好多好多年,挥之不去。身在乡村,我 亲眼 目睹了山村的贫瘠与落后,也 切身 领略了山区教师的酸甜苦辣与清贫。瞅着年轻人纷纷跳槽,抑或调至繁华都市,我曾犹豫过,也曾徘徊过,但是一想到更多山区教师无私执着的奉献,一想到无数山民殷殷的期望,一想到山里娃那双双充满期待与 渴望 的目光,我又不得不坚定了自己的选择,义不反顾地投身到艰难而清贫的山区教育事业中。在我们身边,有着多如星辰的山区教育工作者的典范,他们都用自己朴实无华的生命演绎着山区教育的动人华章:有坚守清贫,扎根深山37载的重庆市农村优秀教师谭宜树;有爱岗敬业,无私奉献的重庆市优秀教师谭树攸;有呕心沥血,抱病执教的向福召老师;有励精图治,连创佳绩的山区优秀校长向科斌等等等等,不一而足。奉献的身影在山区学校随处可见,可更多奉献者的感人事迹却鲜为人知。
一块块金灿灿的奖牌,一只只金凤凰 的出 飞,一年又一年山区教育质量的腾飞,无不凝聚着我们山区教师的心血与汗水。曾记否,为了“普九”大业,我们山区教师的足迹踏遍了四山五岭,费尽了九牛二虎之力,硬是将一个个含泪辍学的孩子请回了 校园 。平静的山区教坛始终演绎着一个个平凡而又动人的故事——君不见,多少乡村教师肩挑两任,跋山涉水,频繁地穿梭于家校之间,忙了学校又忙家里,中午就几根咸菜、一碗冷饭给打发了;君不见,多少教师抱病上课,很少休假;君不见,多少教师殚精竭虑,献身课改。这里的教室没有城里的宽敞明亮,更没有现代化的教学设备。
“一身粉笔灰,两袖清风,三寸不烂之舌,四只眼睛”成了山区教师的简约写照,可是我们依然无怨无悔。聆听着山里孩子诗意般的书声,我们喜悦;眼见着山里孩子的点滴进步,我们欣慰。有人说: 选择了教育,就选择了奉献; 选择了教师,就选择了清贫。这话不错,可是如果我们都放弃这清贫而艰巨的事业,谁来给荒寒的土地播种文明?谁来给贫困的山区撒播希望?佛说——我不入地狱,谁入地狱?我们虽不是时代的精英,但我们足以堪称大山的骄子!为了山村的希望,为了孩子的明天,我愿固守我清贫的“教师梦”,无怨无悔!不求轰轰烈烈,但求问心无愧;不求涓滴相报,但求青春无悔!也许10年,20年后,山里的孩子们会飞向五州四海,一个个功成名就,那不就是我们山村教师的最大骄傲吗? 尚 能如此,我们将仰不愧于天,俯不愧于地!
“甘为春蚕吐丝尽,愿化红烛照人寰”,我誓将青春献 杏坛 ,甘洒热血哺新苗!

