
Other day, our school students have a birthday. Friends said her buy seeds and celebrate the students, the students can be strongly non-compliance, she said: \"This is more than a face.\"
Indeed, the \"face\" has become a very small number of students to consider the issue of choice. I secretly look into our school and some pocket money every month there are three students, 400 yuan as well as the thousand dollars. According to this calculation, we have a student of the school year, the average time spent in poverty-stricken areas is a farmer 10 years of income ah!
When some students abuse chin bars and iced beer buddies, their parents, \"weed due Wo afternoon, a drop of sweat fell eight, when they graciously handed to the Friends menu, he is the youngest one drink a bowl of soup with pickles! this kind of \"face\" can get you a long friendship? not! the only dog friends, who met for teeth sing \"mountain\", \"originality\" of the karaoke OK pay
I would like to these students, you have pursued as a matter of fact is the flies rather than bees vanity, the vanity is not \"face\" the real face since time immemorial, have you not aware of the rich connotation.
\"Face\" is \"not the end Loulan Fuwa also\" yes \"exorbitant profits of life and death to the same family,\" \"face\" \"is the full Monty Langyashan war\" is the founding ceremony of Hunan accent on that cry out, \"face\" is \"Chinese Mathematics dishes Poincare conjecture completely untie \"! \"Face\" is that after winning Wimbledon sweet smile, \"face\" is a war Hung-hui is also when the mother当爹small stands that sell books.
\"Face\" is a kind of self-confidence, is a kind of self-discipline, is a self-sustaining, is a self-improvement! Only when we truly know how to \"face the\" meaning of the people, broke out in the face of adversity can be reactive in the country, benefit the public. Peter can be won in order to win Liufang vancomycin.
In March this year, President Hu Jintao put forward the \"shame of eight eight-wing\" socialist concept of honor for the Chinese nation \"concept of face\" into a new era of content, for our contemporary level of health, vocational college students sent a timely rain, charcoal snow. Look at buses, there are conscious to the elderly, child seat of our school classes to 10 students Fang,怕脏not, is not afraid of hard waste pick up after school hours a large bottle of mineral water 11, a double shift of Zhang classmates, have a positive to pay tuition fees, examination fees and their own old clothes big eight, nine students of the Wu Jiang Yan, there are no spitting, littering and clean, stress and health in the eight and nine students of the Tian-Wei, ,,,,,, I have set this new culture of school too numerous to cite examples of Mei, the \"shame of eight eight-wing\" concept under the guidance of honor, we \"know Rongming shame,\" a new era in functional health, vocational college students promising.
To face the students rather than seeds ah - my dear sister, please think about it! To be aware of what we have wasted a penny, are parents of hard sweat and think about your card into a sub-article, the parents gather to your high expectations of love in every possible way, the 1000 media, million ,,,,,, junction should not be you and me Is it a good Thanksgiving and serious experience it?
Students, and parents often call it! Report your progress in school, you are great at negative narrative, in this loud and clear to my students, we should use the \"eight 8-rong shame\" honor concept of strict demands on themselves, for the Meng House - Xiangxi this pearl of vocational school, it up! Establish a new trend. Brilliant win for the motherland and to save face real hard now!
“面子” 是“不破楼兰终不还”是“苛利同家生死以”,“面子”“是壮士烽火狼牙山”,是开国大典上那一声湖南口音的呐喊,“面子”是“中国数学完全解开庞加菜猜想”!“面子”是郑洁晏紫温网夺冠后那个甜甜的微笑,“面子”是洪战辉既当爹又当娘那个卖书的小小地摊。
同学们,常给爸妈打个电话吧 !报告你在学校的进步,叙说你远大报负,在此我大声呼吁,同学们,我们要用“八荣八耻”荣辱观严格要求自己,为猛院—湘西这颗职校的明珠,努力吧!树立崭新的风气。为祖国争得光彩照人而又货真价实的面子而勤奋吧!

