
It is not as bright and colorful roses, peonies do not like , but not the tall green pines as tall and straight, but an elegant quiet, simple plants. It is a .
is a water plant, not to types of soil will be able to grow up, and very decorative, so I very much like it.
say that I am home now, it can be a good-looking! Is the root of bamboo tied together a lot, with three bamboo, like the children each have a general thickness of the middle finger, the difference between each 5 centimeters, created a very like a big mine, but also exquisite like a pagoda. Under the middle of green and white, pan-green. Next to the tender green leaves, some with bright yellow at the bottom, very much like monocrotaline, wrapping a cluster of clusters, but also exudes a touch of scent.
Vitality of its very strong wind it does not require you to , fertilization, as long as each week it poured the first water, can be a vitality.
I just bought in the back, ready to plant, I according to traditional methods in the pot placed on the soil, my mother said no soil to plant with blisters with it. I quickly found a light at the end of will put , pouring a little water. through, I found the bottom of many of the small minke have to, it was the root of it. Yellow-green bamboo roots and each other against the background, very pretty.
One day, I am starting early. mother is to see the water, my mother said to himself: "It has been a long time without water exchange, and also looks so good!" She was loaded with water vase was out, I was immediately scared dumbfounded: turbidity of the water then, it has also grown so green!
华you are so simple, is so vibrant, I love you!

