
Rain, is still under the; flowers, is still open; grass, still green, and bird, still standing on branches, quietly watching all this.
Was sent wind, birds in the branches around the small stream, Ma street, tall white birch out of tender has been launched branches, showers of spring sunshine. In a moment, the next rain up, everything becomes hazy, and the vague outline of a little to see, then, we can not see the. Day heat gradually, and little bit of the sun through the shed blood of the sun, sun-cicada out from the soil, climb tree trunks, in the shelter, the joy of singing the song. Boiling the road were burnt, even the birds are afraid to dip feet, only anxious whisper. Until the evening, this heat has not dissipated, only blowing cool wind patches.
Leaves turn yellow and withered grass, and yellow chrysanthemums, and the withered grass, chrysanthemum bloom facing the cool breeze and beautiful and full of petals. The sun is also not sufficient as the original. Blown leaves a yellow water, the water immediately scale ripple-like, look good, then, a gust of wind blowing, leaves more "flying" down, like a little fairy, from the leapfrog air.
Colder days, and on the ground that are not green, and left large tracts of Yellow Earth. Silent snow floating down, between heaven and earth samples suddenly changed: the road line on the scarf, the Housing Authority put the new clothes, and even the trees have a crown to wear. Miserable in this one, the plum blossom in full bloom in the winter to bring a little warmth and welcome.
I Love Nature!

  一股暖流被风儿送来,小鸟在树枝上跳来跳去,小溪边、马路旁,一棵棵高大的白桦树已经抽出嫩芽,展开枝条,沐浴着春天明媚的阳光。不一会儿,雨淅淅沥沥的下起来了,一切都变得朦胧起来了,隐隐约约能看见一点轮廓,接着,便什么也看不见了。     天渐渐热了,太阳透过洒下斑斑点点的阳光,晒得知了也从土里钻出来,爬到树干上,在的遮挡下,欢乐的唱起了歌。马路被烧得滚烫,连小鸟都不敢沾脚,只能急得喳喳乱叫。直到傍晚,这股热气依然没散,只是刮来几阵凉爽的风。  

