
small seedlings grow into giant trees want to be extra care. I do not think that we never know that the fetus in its mother's body in the form of that moment, he had an inherent thing, that thing in the children born to guide children on how to develop and guide the child catching what, find out what ... ... the child appears to be a very weak, in fact, there are his inner spirit of a powerful energy and potential, he does not require the development of the adult to give him any new increase in the content, just give him the conditions of environment and development.
With a decade of living together with children's experience, I am more and more convinced of this. Accept this concept to take place as a built-in revolution, because we have always believed that children rely on adults to build; to accept this concept also means that we will be no place to play we have low self-esteem, resulting from depressed arrogant. Childhood of mankind is very long, probably not any kind of animals can have human childhood so long. Short that it may be zero to six-year-old, to put it a little bit longer, probably until the age of twelve. Can not leave the 12-year-old mother, a legal adult children truly believe that age is 18 years old. This period, children in a very weak state, must be an adult to help him grow up. Help children grow up does not mean that children from adults to shape the spirit. If, as the whole of humanity would decrease the standard.
Period of adult children do not need the kind of "indoctrination", but the conditions need to prepare their children to absorb. Follow the laws of this development, the development of children will be very perfect. Person's growth process is actually a process of psychological growth, rather than a process of intellectual growth, mental growth is attached to the psychological growth of above.




