
Total solar eclipse is a rare phenomena, the ancients as a result of unknown causes, was given to give a lot of solar mystery. So there are many around the world on the solar eclipse of the legend and superstition. As the solar eclipse occurs when the sun had a round face resplendent unknowingly missing a piece of a sudden, then part of a growing defect, and finally disappeared completely, and in black around the sun will be showing a normally invisible light. Animals that night had fallen, then will be dispatched nocturnal, birds such as homing unusual scene. In ancient times, it is because of the lack of scientific knowledge has become a panic, afraid of life on earth will be extinct, so almost all the ancient civilizations that the solar eclipse is a bad omen.

In China, "Tengu corrosion Day" will be widely circulated legend. Chinese folk legend, the solar eclipse is "Tengu" caused by swallowing the sun. Sometimes this "Tengu" the sun will their stomach. It is to save the sun, will be sounded to save the browser. It is said that the voice of masterpiece, Tengu will be scared to come out to the sun. Will be similar to the emperor on down to the common people have Lai Man has no doubt, then assembling a crowd to large firecrackers to "Tengu", "save" the sun.

日全食是一种罕见的天象,古人由于不明原因,于是就给日食赋予了许多神秘色彩。于是世界各地就有了许多关于日食的传说和迷信。   由于日食发生时,原本光芒万丈的太阳圆面在不知不觉中突然缺了一块,随之缺损部分越来越大,最后完全消失,而在黑色太阳的周围还会呈现出平时看不见的光芒。动物以为黑夜降临,于是会出现夜行动物出动、飞鸟归巢之类的反常景象。在古代,人们因缺乏科学知识而变得恐慌,害怕大地上的生命会因此而灭绝,所以几乎古代所有的文明都认为日食是一种凶兆。


