
Rainbow beauty of spring rain in order to repay the baptism of the flourishing grass nourished by the soil in order to repay the birds singing is a tree in order to repay the shelter, with the exception maternal love hidden in the heart, without asking for anything.
"Giggle giggle ... ..." I heard a chicken early in the morning sounds, and certainly also the mother of the chickens and cleaning roof. I would by this sweet music to get up the call. Rubbed his sleepy eyes hazy, full of smiles drowsily to see the mother's arms holding large and small eggs, that she believed that, whenever I eat an egg, her pale face will be more rosy, hoary The hair will be more black and residual wrinkles Gentle hands a little more. But, when I stepped onto the roof when the mother covers her face kind of smile so, on overcast weather nagging the last to do anything, go fast, here Chou Si has. While under the stairs while I blame her himself.
Noon sun burning hot, my mother collar, came downstairs, I with joy can not wait to tell her mother, I must first of the. However, I am proud of the look she saw when the mother are like bees buzzing around my ears like the sound - v. responsible for my mother. Just for this trivial matters, we have the Cold War, a week, I thought, this is not entirely to blame me! Early one morning, I brought to drink hot soup to the mother, but the mother does not hurt me again ignored the hearts of young and pure. At this time, I sadly dragging the pace of a heavy, quasi-like pour water to drink, but drinking fountains without water, while I could not move the bottle full of mineral water left in my living room a moment, I am beyond expected to see but a loving mother struggling with movement - to help me pour. When my mother saw me, she just said dismissively of the sentence: "Here there is water.", I drank a saliva slowly, the feeling of a sweet taste of Zizi's inside! The taste of water or the motherly love the taste of it? From the mother's eyes inside to see where her hidden feelings of melancholy and selfless love.
Motherly love such as water, water is transparent, as if my mother was a love, simple and pure temperature.





