
One of the world, as it is not easy in life appears to be flat, but often there are quite a few twists and turns the rough, it Tongbuyusheng.
There's a saying that, in the suffering of the people still in the wind of ugly houses in Guzhou waves of water on the tongue of the heart. BES vicissitudes of life, I do not know how many of the small-minded people because of the pain and frustration to enlarge devastated; in the world, the more I do not know how many people frustration enlarged because of the pain and vancomycin into the abyss ... ... In the face of adversity, which we have Yipin be traced back to ancient Sassou grace of it!
"An eyebrow Nengcui Zheyao powerful thing, so I shall not happy Yan" Li Bai, in the event of unfortunate career, he was depressed to abandon it? Shi Xian elegant tea drunk, singing out: "Life is proud to be Jinhuan, Mo Jinzun to make air-to-month, Tianshengwocai be useful, and daughter also cleared to resume" quatrains, the achievements of his romantic history. Kuaxiazhiru tolerance of the Han, did not fall decadent, alienated suffering, with al Feng Hou, life satisfaction, Lau-fong, wine, and finally into a generation of players. Mao Zedong generation of a great man, much oppression before the Zunyi Meeting, which has not forgotten his lofty sentiments and high aspirations, he Pathetique reject bitterness, who reached Zhiming, Xiao Kan life. A single spark can start a prairie fire, shine, the world Yong Zhu. This dates back to the Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu Ba Far Side of the World, Seven of the Warring States period melee. Emperor Wen and his arrest, "Book of Changes", left blind, although Hill has a "national language" and Confucius in poverty and hardship reading "Spring and Autumn", is banished Qu Yuan Fu, "Li Sao", Sun Bin hands were, and create a Great Classical Novels, "The Art of War" That Lvbu Wei was home and suspicion "Lu Spring and Autumn Period," Yong Chuan future generations ... ... should learn from past experience, be able to grow in the face of adversity, life will always be strong. In this new era, as a bearer of hope for the future of our motherland, should not be intimidated by the adversity. We must learn how to meet adversity, and adversity will be turned into another form of power. We move forward, we are fearless; we struggle, we unyielding. We bathed in the sunshine, shouting to the sky: "After the rain of the sky, a brilliant rainbow."
In a long and fertile soil, 64 seeds left to the sky 64 beautiful arc, landing quietly dip in the pure land of dreams, there are full of wind Gui shows, they struggle together to open-top ooze , To thrive, then on, regardless of wind and rain, the sun no matter Ying Xuan, they always stick to their beliefs, cemented clusters of wonderful and beautiful, Chien-Hou wall of the wall. This is a full of love and tolerance of the collective, this is a cohesive, but also for everyone in the group stage. Each face is filled with pure passion for this, it shocks the heart of the pulse of young voices have been cast with new force, over the pigeons of the sky, echoing ring of residual sound of our singing; horse has run the land, We also spend time fighting the sweat and tears. Because we firmly believe that one of the three classes will never have the unity of the heart.
Us to adopt Qian Ying Jie youth, to capture the shining moment of resounding hope that from the Himalayas. We have our own spin on the stage together hand in hand toward an ideal, fly, fly. Just for the sake of a - no regrets of youth.

