
Each year on April 1, the West is also a non-traditional festivals in the United States - April Fool's Day. April Fool's Day originated in France. In 1564, France's first new reform law tomorrow - Gerry calendar (the Gregorian calendar that is common at present) to January 1 as the beginning of the year. However, some of the old ways against this reform, is still stubbornly in accordance with the old calendar on April 1 that day to send gifts to celebrate the New Year. Reform advocates of these people are old-fashioned practice of much mockery. Smart funny people on April 1 gave them leave to send gifts to invite them to leave the reception. And deceived the conservatives known as "April fool" or "fish hook." Since then, people on April 1 will fool each other, France has become a popular custom. In the early 18th century, the April Fool's Day custom spread to Britain, followed by the British in the early immigrants to the United States.
April Fool's Day, often a family gathering, daffodils and daisies decorated the room. A typical arrangement is to leave the traditional practice environment, the room can be arranged as a Christmas like. Can also be arranged as a New Year, when guests come, then congratulations to them "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year", it is interesting and unique.
April 1 feast of fish. Also innovative. Feast of the invitation to participate in color, usually made of cardboard with the fish color. Table with green, white and white decorations up. Fish tank placed in the middle of the slim, sleek and fishing rods, fishing rod on each line a green ribbon, to guests with a gift - or a delicate celluloid fish or a fish basket full of candy. It goes without saying that all the fish feast on the fish dishes are made of.
April Fool's Day in the gathering, there is a false customs and cuisine. Some people have described a typical April Fool's Day menu: first a "salad" of lettuce leaves on a shaman green pepper, but leaves the open after it was found the following oyster cocktail; Dierdaocai "baked potato" In fact, the following is the sweet crumbs and Xian Mo; Since then, there are dishes on the use of camouflage for the crab meat and chicken salad tomatoes burying in the following raspberry ice cream. After dinner, guests can also pills from the box feeding candy.
April Fool's Day but the most typical activities or jokes about each other, tease each other lies. Some of the fine Shuanzhuo lost wallet in the street, holding their own in the dark on the other side of the line. Once the wallet was picked up, they surprise to suddenly pull the purse away. It was also the broken bricks on the hat put the following in the road, and then waiting to see who is going to be a kick it. Their children will tell their parents that the Poliaogedong bags, or have black spots on the face. Leaning point of view, and other adults, while they shouted "April Fool." On the side to run away with a smile. All in all, April Fool's Day every day, the zoo and the aquarium also received many calls fish (fish) into Mr. Leon (Lion), Mr. telephone, staff are often either cut off telephone lines in order to reduce trouble .
Today's April Fool's Day in the United States has been mainly naughty boys of the festival.

