
This is the first in the ease and full of love songs, I was also carrying a sincere blessing for the people who pay tribute to the hearts of friends to pray. He is bold, strong, warm and sincere man of the Northeast - the sky Lang Lang.
Lang Lang understanding, or, in his article to me after the fine plus a return visit. He walked into the Boyuan, as if into a warm and hospitable friend's house, simple and small, covered with pieces of a very professional-quality photos, he loved life and all Zhiqing into each piece of Picture, through the plain text of the reserved, it seems that the well-being of men and transparent heart.
From the packed footprints and sincere messages, Lang Lang was known by friends love and respect. With his characteristic enthusiasm from the north and straightforward, garden tour in Bo, happy and in good faith infected with a large number of friends. Who can know, has been with optimistic, cheerful laughter of Lang Lang, who was suffering from severe in patients who ... ...
Lang Lang was informed that since the illness, a touching sincerity in his heart rising wave, he moved the face of illness and the strong optimism of life calmly and Dan Ding, the treasure of friendship, love of family ... ... outline his intentions At the same time, their landscape, we also brought a sense of inspiration and over. Lang Lang's Boris Although no lingering flowery words, but saw his broad-brush under the delicate and a touch of warmth. Daughter-in-law's birthday, he wrote Bowen, from the chatter as simple as home language, I see a husband to his wife's love, hard to see the wife of a charitable heart Xian-hui, have also seen that no complaint, no Attachment of regret ... ... Let me deeply moved at the same time, it is more blessed!
Lang Lang sky - a love for life, life-loving friends. He is like sunshine, warmth and clarity. Lang Lang: a long life on the road, you have the mind and frankly, it's not what make life difficult for Hom. You are the pride of his wife, the children's idols, friends ... love ...
Thank you for the many friends, can often take time to visit my Boyuan, although sometimes did not leave footprints, you can also sensing the warmth of their tight schedule. You remember more than once in my Boris message: "Your good friend," Lang Lang: I would like to say: "Your friend is also my lucky." Had to drop in "Wuhan 77" to see Bo Yuan She wrote the article Bowen, to a true friendship Premise moved to tears, you are more optimistic about the strong and deeply moving ... ...
Although the virtual network, but not unrealistic to believe, through time and space that friendship and love really is. Friends: Let us work together to respect the worth of Bo-you wish it!
Lang Lang in the sky travel, you will always be the winner!
I wish the good life safe!

