
Presided over the negotiations, that is, the opening is one of the keys to start the negotiations. The first includes the opening of negotiations and the subsequent negotiations on market opening.

(A) The first opening of negotiations

The first presided over the negotiations should do a good job in the four areas: introduction, seated, and opening the atmosphere to master.

1. Introduced

In order to know the dialogue is going to show polite and friendly, the first presided over the opening of negotiations should be briefed each other on to do a good job. Introduction to do a good job should have the opportunity to introduce, and the order of tone.

2. Admission

When the auspices of the two sides to negotiate arrangements for the seat of the three principles: the principle of the order, away from the principle-oriented principles.

3. Opening remarks

Opening remarks at the beginning of the negotiations is very important, it is a direct reflection of the level and the role of host, a good beginning has two criteria: effectiveness and to play an appropriate time.

4. Atmosphere.
(B) resumed the opening, called attention to two points: First, clear the last talks, the second is to determine the content of the talks. The time normally does not too long to explain.

(1) expressly states. Because it is resumed, both sides must work together to conduct the talks do remember, left What is the problem. State of mind does not result in two consequences: First, the resurgence. Will have to overturn the agreement, and then come back to the back; Second, the melee. Differences consistent with the mixed opinions on, which hurt the feelings of the time.

(2) determine the mission. In a clear state, should task of guiding. The so-called guiding principal in the analysis of the state, that is, the existing mandate of the inter-relationship between their level of difficulty, the ability to play negotiators analysis, put forward in the continued period of time will be able to complete a specific task.

