
Business contacts in business etiquette is an essential component of. Small Business etiquette is the personal representative of the self-cultivation, taste level and, on behalf of a business or company's image in the international business forum, or even a representative of the country's image. Professor Jin Zhengkun is a business etiquette expert in the field, he talked about business etiquette system of deep humor and action. I have a very serious study of many. However, I also found that in practice, in addition to Professor Jin said, there is indeed a lot of business etiquette of the dead, many people tend to overlook. Based on personal observation, are summarized below.
- Over each other to brag about. Compliment and praise, it seems that it is difficult to define. If you go to a manager's office, say "A total, you really taste the office," 80 may be flattering, is a boast. On the other hand, if you are his / her office or a piece of calligraphy and painting of a potted plant, with its appreciation of each other will certainly sighted specifically, it is a sincere compliment. In many cases, as Party B, in the face of their customers, ultimately, must always compliment each other, but it is not too much, otherwise we will give people the impression that you are out of courtesy, but also left the impression more than anything.
- A men's long stayThe men's long stay in a great while Sha Fengjing. Ten men have all left a long, though clean and tidy, very significant feminine, but also in other people and shake hands, it is easy to hurt each other. If the nails are full of dirt, not to mention. Some men will remain a long-Xiao Muzhi, what is the use? When using toothpicks or Ershao ... ... This habit is really bad.
- Covered with dandruff on the shoulder. This situation was particularly prevalent in men, but occasionally Miss Yu. You probably all are decent, but when covered with dandruff on the shoulder when you click on one of the feeling of fighting - the global brands - 20. In addition to the personal dandruff and hair shampoo habits, but also to watch TV too much, is directly related to the quality of sleep. The proposed ground there is a friend of dandruff shampoo, shampoo chosen, we must pay attention to their lifestyle.
- President does not rub lipstick dining. Business at the occasion, the former dining-dumping should be at least should be wiped lipstick. Otherwise, when you eat glass, chopsticks, spoon and bowl will be red ... ... people nausea. But also to public areas may be contaminated ... ...
- Ms. arbitrary rejection or long hair braids. President to have a lot of graceful or beautiful long hair braided and proud, especially that the "rejection" of moves made, really, "Shuai", which is no cause for criticism. However, the rejection must be made when you were around the rear and, inadvertently, "sweep" you feel too comfortable, especially the "sweep" to the eyes, the kind of astringent sense of the author on several occasions ... ... After such a Yaba Kui.
- When dining with mouthwash after swallowing tea. There is such a habit of a few comrades. Eating dinner in the middle or the finish for their own oral health, and a half of the total population prefer to drink tea, along with the "Guru Guru" to the voice of mouthwash and then swallow the stomach. To sit in - especially the temporary seat, Oh! That feeling is what tofu Barty Mawei ... ...
- Use their own chopsticks or spoons direct public access "Tanggeng" or "Fort goods." The vast majority of cases, this type of food for public consumption should be at small bowl. However, there are a lot of comrades had been in a bowl, will still own chopsticks or a spoon to go into the habit of the author ... ... yes, as long as there is a person to do so, I have absolutely no dish Patronize ... ...

