
Soft love, my care has been healthy growth. I have repeatedly put it in his arms, warm, it feels like my favorite pearl milk tea of the heat, comfortable and well-being.
  I have a universal family, I love the parents, I have a gentle kind-hearted sister, as well as two naughty younger brother. Ha ha! Ban Zhao every little finger get chopsticks, 6 individual bowls, 6 pairs of chopsticks, while mouth of the well-being of Dangqi can not help but smile - my home has 6 individual.
  memory as a child, Snooze several siblings in the morning accompanied by her mother often thunderous sounds of sorry to see it leave the "dog." To get up, brush their teeth, wash, eat breakfast every day doing these practices. Sometimes it really wanted to escaped abhorrent breakfast, leaving more time for the Duke of Zhou and dating. But that is not because we have a super pain of the mother, a great fear of suffering from hunger in our stomach, she knew not eat breakfast on the stomach is not good, Shang Shen. Siblings as a child of both height and weight than people of the same age, the mother also had to come up with a new way - before we go to supper. Did not know until recently, their appetite is the mother's love of stretch.
  father, I do not like him, perhaps the ultimate love it! But as a child in my favorite person he is, but he was doing a bad thing after the repair, and he can no longer afraid to get close, but I still remember my father gave me a manicure, roll the sleeves that scene, even though I am also very, very small, but the warmth of the scene that I will still remember. Now know, love alone, some do not feel the eyes of love, with your heart feel it! Dad's love was deep, unlike other people's father, my father simply will not spoil us from the sensible outset we forced to learn to do household chores, to help share the mother trivial matter. Despite the impatience of each holiday home he was always a few words: "Health to help out my mother ... ..." now know that Dad really hurts mother, he is perhaps a bit of male chauvinism, but he also used his The way to help mothers to reduce the burden on the mother's body, but also the Church of our lives. At least he knows, let us go out after not afraid of anything and do not return.
  sister, docile personality may be diligent in her father's temper in the formation of the (As far as personal observation, she was the most successful "Practice"). Sister is really good that we were easy to bully. Do not believe it. Tell you! After dinner every time a person must leave the wash go, every turn of my lazy and cunning brother, we are not loaded stomach pain, sore hands, Jiaoteng, said more and more lies, and even develop into a stock and pain, Eye pain, pain All in all what we can jump out of chaos, anyway, do not need to bear any criminal responsibility! The innocent and kind-hearted older sister and younger brother and I often become lazy lie under the "victim." Sister from her mother just started junior high school had a good hand skills. Alas! I envy, although I am not capable of large kitchen can be burned, but not much better to go. Not to put more salt, is to put less salt, or it? Cai Chao took a half-baked "poisonous" death to you, you much!

