
acceptance 接受
accumulative commission 累计佣金
acknowledgement of order 订单确认
advance manifest system(AMS) 提前发送舱单系统
agency agreement 代理协议
agent  一般代理人     
agreement 协议
agreement to pay 支付协议
allowance 折让
amount 金额
an occasional inquiry 偶尔询盘
animal-derived food 动物源食品
assembling on provided parts 来料装配
assembling trade 来料装配贸易
ATA carnet ATA单证册,暂准进口海关文件
bad account 坏帐
barter trade 易货贸易
bid firm 递实盘
bid guarantee 投标保证书
bid, bidding 递盘,递价,出价
bilateral trade 双边贸易
bill of clearance 结关单,出港呈报单
Bill of Lading 提单
blank endorsed 空白背书
blanket order 总订单
bonded warehouse 保税仓库
book; booking 订货;订购
brand recognition 品牌认可/认同
bulk sale 整批销售,趸售
business discussion 业务洽谈
business negotiation 交易磋商
business scope/frame 经营范围
buy-back 回购贸易
buyer 买主,买方
buyers\' market 买方市场
cable reply 电复
call off order 分订单
calling foward notice 要求交货通知
cargo receipt 承运货物收据
carrier 承运人
cash sale 现货
cash with order 订单付款
catalogue 商品目录
certificate of conformity 一致性证书
certificate of origin 原产地证书
certificate of origin form GSP 普惠制原产地证书
certificate of quality 质量证书
certificate of registry 登记证书
certified invoice 证明发票, 证实发票
client 顾客,客户
coastal trade 沿海贸易
combined certificate of value and origin 价值与原产地综合证书
combined invoice 联合发票
combined offer 联盘,搭配报盘
commerce 贸易
commercial draft 商业汇票
commercial invoice 商业发票
commercial transaction 买卖,交易
commission 佣金
commission note 佣金单
commodity 产品

company 贸易公司
compensating 抵偿贸易
compensation trade 补偿贸易,抵偿贸易
competitive 有竞争性的
concentration of offers 集中报盘
concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者
condemned goods 有问题的货物
conditional acceptance 有条件的接受
confirmation 确认书
consignee 收货人
consignment 寄售
consignment invoice 寄售发票,委托销售发票
consignment order 寄售单
consolidated invoice 合并发票
consular invoice 领事发票
consumer 消费者,用户
consumer media 销售方面的宣传工具
contract  合同
contract bill of quantities-BOQ 合同数量单
contract confirmation 合同确认书
control document T5 T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用)
convenient 方便的
copy 副本
corporation 贸易公司
corrected invoice 更正发票
cost of production 生产费用
counter offer 还盘,还价
counter purchase 互购贸易
counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易
country of origin 原产地
cover note 承保单,保险证明
cross-border trade 边境贸易
current price 现行价格 / 时价
customer 顾客,客户
customs bond 海关担保
customs clearance 结关
customs duty 关税
customs immediate release declaration 海关即刻放行报关单
customs invoice 海关发票
customs liquidation 清关
customs valuation 海关估价
deal with 交易,经营,处理,与...交往
dealer 经销商
dealing 交易,生意
declaration 报关单
declaration of origin 原产地声明
decline 下降,下跌
delivery 交货
delivery just-in-time 按时交货
despatch note model T T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用)
despatch note model T1 T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用)
despatch note model T2 T2出口单证(原产地证明书)
despatch note model T2L T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用)
destination 目的地
discount, allowance 折扣 
disposition of merchandise 货物处置
distribution channels 销售渠道
documents of title to
the goods 物权凭证
domestic trade 国内贸易
EC carnet 欧共体海关转运报关单
electronics bill of lading 电子报文提单
end use authorization 最终使用授权书
endorsed 背书
enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉
enquiry 询盘(询价)
enquiry 询价单
escort official recognition 押运正式确认
exchange control declaration 结汇核销单
exclusive agency 独家代理
exclusive agent 独家代理
exclusive right 独家经营/专营权
exclusivity agreement 独家经营/包销/代理协议
expiry date 效期
export license/licence 出口许口证
export permit 出口许可
export, exportation 出口
exporter 出口商
extended payment order 扩展付款单
external trade 对外贸易
factored invoice 代理发票
favorable 优惠的
favourable price 优惠价格
favourable terms 优惠条件
find a market 销售
firm 贸易公司
firm offer 实盘
firm price 实价,实盘

first sample test report 首样测试报告
fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市
foreign trade 对外贸易
forward contract 远期交货合同
forward price 期货价格
freight 运费
freight forwarder 货运代理
future exchange 期货交易
general agent 总代理人
general terms and conditions 一般交易条件
good market 畅销
goods control certificate 货物监管证书
goods that sell well 畅销货
hire invoice 租用发票
hire order 租用单
hire-purchase 分期付款购买
home trade 国内贸易
import contract 进口合同
import licence/license 进口许口证
import permit 进口许可
import surcharge 进口附加税
import, importation 进口
importer 进口商
in exchange for 用...交换...
indent 订单
indicative price 参考价格
inland trade 国内贸易
inquire 询盘;询价;询购
inquirer 询价者
inquiry 询盘(询价)
inquiry sheet 询价单
insurance certificate 保险凭证
insurance declaration
sheet (bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表)
interim application
for payment 临时支付申请
international market price 国际市场价格
international trade 国际贸易
invisible trade 无形贸易
invitation of tender 招标
invitation to Offer 邀请发盘
invoice 发票
invoicing data sheet 产品售价单
landing charges 卸货费
lease order 租赁单
leasing trade 租赁贸易
letter of guarantee (L/G) 保证书
letter of hypothecation 质押书
letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书,赔偿单
letter of indication 印鉴证明书
letter of intent 意向书
liner trade 集装箱班轮运输
lump offer 综合报盘(针对两种以上商品)
make a complete entry 正式/完整申报
make headway 有进展
manifest 载货单
manufacturer 制造商,制造厂
manufacturer\'s invoice 厂商发票
marine bills of lading 海运提单
market demand 市场需求
market segmentation 市场分割
market test 销售实验
marketing establishment 销售企业,销售公司
marketing managers 推销经理
marketing mix 销售综合方法,销售策略
marketing program 销售计划
marketing strategies 销售策略
marketing system 销售体系
mediation of dispute 商业纠纷
memorandum 备忘录
merchant 商人,批发商,零售商
middleman 中间商,经纪人
mill certificate 农产品加工厂证书
movement certificate A.TR.1 移动声明A.TR.1
mport variable duties 进口差价税
multilateral trade 多边贸易
net price 净价
non-firm offer 虚盘
notification 通知书

offer 发盘(发价)
offer firm 发实盘  
offer letter 报价书
offer list/book 报价单
offer price 售价
offer sheet 出售货物单
offeree 被发价人
offerer 发价人,报盘人
offering 出售物
offering date 报价有效期限
offering period 报价日
offeror 发价(盘)人
official offer 正式报价(报盘)
order 订单, 订货
original 正本
original equipment manufacturer(OEM) 原始设备制造商
overriding credit 母证
overseas trade 海外贸易 partial invoice 部分发票
partial shipment 分批装运
payment advice 支付通知书
payment in arrear 拖欠的付款
payment terms 付款方式
payment valuation 支付估价单
performance guarantee 履约保证书
phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证书
poor(no) market 滞销
popular 有销路的
popular goods 快货
port dues 港口税
port duty 港口税
port of destination 目的港
port of discharge 卸货港
port of shipment 装运港
povisional payment valuation 临时支付估价单
preference certificate of origin 优惠原产地证书
preferential offer 优先报盘
premium brands 优质品牌
prepayment invoice 预付发票
prevailing price 现行价格(时价)
price 单价        
price including commission 含佣价
price indication 指示性价格
price list 价目表
price term 价格术语
priced tender BOQ 标价投标数量单
process data report 工艺数据报告
processing on giving materials 来料加工
processing trade 加工贸易

product performance report 产品性能报告
product specification report 产品规格型号报告
proforma invoice (pro forma invoice) 形式发票
purchase 购买,进货
purchase confirmation 购买确认书
purchase contract 购买合同
purchase order 订购单
quantity valuation 数量估价单
quick seller 畅销品
quick-selling product 畅销品
quotation 报价/行情
quote 报价
readily marketable products 适销对路的产品
ready seller 畅销品
reasonable 合理的
reference price 参考价
regional appellation certificate 地区名称证书
regional trade arrangements(RTA ) 区域贸易安排
repair order 修理单
reply immediately 速复
restraint of trade 贸易管制
retail price 零售价  
retail trade 零售业
retailer, tradesman 零售商
return commission 回佣,回扣
rush order 紧急订单
salable 畅销的
salable goods 畅销货
sales agent 代销人;销售代理商
sales conditions 销售条件
sales confirmation(S/C) 销售确认书
sales contract 销售合同 
sales promotion 促销
salesman 售货员
sales-purchasing 促销,推销
sample invoice 样品发票
sample order 样品订单
sanitary certificate 卫生检疫证书
sell 卖;销售;有销路
sell at a bargain, sell at a profit 廉价出售
sell goods at a high figure 高价出售
sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快
sellers\' market 卖方市场
selling 卖的;出售的;销路好的
selling and administrative expense 推销及管理费用
selling concept 推销观点
selling cost 销售成本
selling expense 销售费用
selling line 销路
selling operation 销售业务
selling price 售价,时价
selling profit 销售利润

selling rate (S/R) 卖价
selling season 销售季节
selling techniques 推销技术
shipper(S/Shpr) 发货人
shipping order 托运单
shutout 退关货
sole agency 独家代理
sole agent 独家代理
special orders 特殊订货
special preferences 优惠关税
specific inquiry 具体询盘
spot price 现货价格  
stage 阶段,过程
stamp duty 印花税
Standard condition for sale and delivery of goods(INCOTERMS) 国际贸易术语解释通则
statement of account message 帐户报表报文
stocks 存货,库存量
stores requisition 领料单
submission of tender 投标
swap order 换货单
tax rebate 出口退税
technology transfer(TT ) 技术转让
tender guarantee 投标保证书
test market 试销
test report 测试报告
the best selling line 热门货
time of validity 有效期限 
TIR carnet TIR国际公路运输报关单
to deal in 经营,做生意
to find (have) a ready market 有销路,畅销
to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路
to keep inquiry in mind 记住询盘
total value 总值     
trade agreement 贸易协定,贸易协议
trade by commodities 商品贸易
trade circles 贸易界
trade consultation 贸易磋商
trade fair 交易会
trade mark 商标
trade partner 贸易伙伴
trade term 贸易条件
trade, trading 贸易
trade-mark, trademark (产品)出厂牌子,出厂商标
trading firm 贸易行,商行
trading house 贸易公司
transfer advice 转让(船)通知书
transit trade 转口贸易
trial order 试销订单
trial sale 试销
triangle trade 三角贸易
unacceptable 不可接受的
unfair competition 不合理竞争
unpriced tender BOQ 不标价投标数量单
usual practice 习惯做法
veterinary inspection certificate 动物检疫证书
wharf age 码头费
wholesale 批发
wholesale price 批发价
wholesaler 批发商
wild speculation 漫天要价
without engagement 不受约束
workable 可行的
world market price 世界市场价格

