
The International Monetary Fund will mark down this year\'s anticipated growth by half a percentage point because of a change in the way national economies are measured.

Earlier this week, the World Bank, the IMF\'s sister institution, recalculated the way it computes economic-growth statistics based on a far more thorough analysis of prices in 146 nations. By revising so-called purchasing power parity statistics, the bank sought a better way to compare wealth and poverty among nations. The stats take into account the different cost of goods and services in different countries -- for instance, a haircut costs a lot less in Beijing than Boston.

The recalculations are the beginning of what is likely to be a makeover of the official portrait of the global economy. IMF rules require it to use World Bank purchasing-power statistics. As a result, Simon Johnson, the IMF\'s chief economist, said the IMF\'s October forecast that the world economy would grow 5.2% now translates into growth of 4.7% -- even though no individual country\'s economy has grown more slowly.

The final number likely will be lower still to reflect subprime-mortgage turmoil and the global credit crunch. The IMF will release its next formal forecast of global growth at the end of next month.

Mr. Johnson says the basic trends in global economic growth remain true despite the statistical change. China continues to be the single biggest driver of global growth, accounting for 27% of the growth this year. India\'s contribution is about 9%.

But the statistics temper somewhat the view of the economic power of big emerging economies, he said. \'China has been driving a lot of people\'s interpretation of how well the world economy is doing,\' he said. \'We just haven\'t been doing as well as we thought.\'

Based on the new statistics, the World Bank earlier this week said China\'s and India\'s economies were smaller than previously estimated, and their share of the world economic might diminished. Under the old purchasing power parity statistics, China accounted for 14.8% of global economic output and India 6.3%. Under the new figures, China\'s share for 2005 was reduced to 9.7% and India\'s to 4.3%. The U.S. share, meanwhile, jumped to 22.5% from 20.8%, suggesting a bigger gap than previously estimated between the world\'s economic powers and emerging economies.

The statistical changes will have real-life consequences. The IMF now is recalculating the voting shares of its members with an eye to awarding big developing nations a larger share. The outcome of that effort is more in doubt if some big developing nations have smaller economies than previously estimated.

IMF and World Bank loan programs also depend on accurate national counts of poverty to see how best to construct projects. The new statistics will scramble poverty counts. A World Bank spokesman said new poverty numbers will be released in a few months.

本周早些时候,IMF的姊妹机构世界银行(World Bank)在对146个国家的物价进行了更透彻的分析之后决定,调整其对各国经济增长幅度的计算方式。该行修订了所谓的购买力平价统计方法,以求更合理地比较各国间的贫富程度。新的统计方法考虑到了不同国家各类商品和服务的不同价格,比如,在北京理发的价格就比在波士顿便宜很多。

这次重新计算之后,对全球经济的官方描述将有可能因此发生改变。该组织首席经济学家西蒙%26#8226;约翰逊(Simon Johnson)表示,IMF的章程规定其要采用世行的购买力数据,因此,IMF十月份对全球经济增长作出的5.2%的猜测值将调整为4.7%,虽然其中各个国家的增长率均未作向下调整。考虑到次贷风波及全球信贷危机的影响,最终数据可能会更低。新的正式猜测数据将在下个月末公布。







