
  同事忘了你交待的事情?有必要提醒他一下了 . 怎么提醒好呢?看看下面的对话吧 .
  A: Terry? I need the file you took yesterday.
  特里,WO要用你昨天拿走的文件 .
  B: I'm sorry, Jane. I left it at home. I'll bring it back tomorrow.
  对不起,简 . WO把它忘在家里了,明天给你拿来 .
  A: Terry, I told you yesterday that I'd be using the file this afternoon.
  WO昨天告诉你WO今天下午要用的 .
  B: I know, Jane. I just walked out and it completely slipped my mind. I'll go home and get it at noon, all right?
  WO知道 . WO完全忘了这回事了 . WO中午回家去取,行吗?
  人吃五谷杂粮,没有不生病的,身体不舒适的时候工作自然也没法做好,这时候就需要请假休息或是看医生了 . 该怎么提出请假呢?WO们看下面一段对话:
  A: Mr. Emory, I'd like to take this afternoon off if it's all right with you.
  B: But Sam, you've called in sick 5 times in the last three weeks.
  萨姆,你这三周来已经请了5次假了 .
  A: I know, Mr. Emory. I'm sorry. But I really need to see the doctor this afternoon. I feel dizzy and I can't concentrate on my work.
  WO知道,对不起 . 但是WO今天下午必须去看医生,WO头晕而且不能专心工作 .
  B: All right, then. But don't forget to bring a doctor's note in tomorrow.
  好吧,但是记着明天把医生开的证实拿来 .
  办公室里怎么打招呼?其实没有那么复杂,学学下面这些对话实例,轻松去建立你的 人际关系 吧 .

  A: Hi, Jane, how are you doing this morning?
  B: I'm all right, thanks. Just a little tired.
  还好,谢谢 . 只是有点累 .
  A: You worked overtime last night?
  B: Yeah, I got home at about 2.
  是啊,WO昨晚2点才到家 .

  A: Hi, Tim. How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time.
  嗨,蒂姆,你好吗?好久不见了 .
  B: I'm fine. I've been out of town. I just got back.
  很好 . WO出差去了,刚回来 .
  A: Where did you go?
  B: I went to New York for a meeting.
  去纽约开了个会 .

  A: Hi there! My name is Terry. You're new around here, huh?
  嗨,WO叫特里 . 你是新来的吧?
  B: Yes. My name is Mark. I just started a couple of weeks ago.
  是的 . WO叫马克,刚来几个星期 .
  A: Well, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know.
  哦,假如有什么需要帮忙的,尽管找WO .
  B: Thanks. I really appreciate that!

