
  经常出差吗?不知道该怎样用 英语 来描述公务旅行?下面是一些公务旅行常用的表达法,希望助您一臂之力 .
  I'll be with you in a minute. I have to finish filling in my expense account.
  WO马上就来 . WO得先填这些报销单 .
  When you arrive, you can rent a car at the airport from XYZ Rentals. The company has a line of credit there.
  你到达的时候,可以在机场XYZ租车公司租一辆车 . 公司是那里的会员单位 .
  You can get a $1000 cash advance for your trip from the financial department. Bring your itinerary with you.
  你可以去财务部预支1000美元差旅费 . 带上你的旅程表 .
  Don't forget to keep all your receipts. You'll need them for reimbursement.
  别忘了保留你的所有收据,你要用它们报销 .
  You can use your corporate card for OCS expenses only.
  你只能在支会公务费用时使用公司信用卡 .
  She's always living out of a suitcase. She travels so much that she's racked up over 500,000 frequent flyer miles in the past 2 years.
  她成天过着旅行包式的生活 . 她出差如此频繁,在过去两年中她已积累了500,000多英里积分里程 .

